Paytm is one of the best and most used online trade exchange application out the market. It is used to send money to bank, pay your bills thus on through on the web. The administration of India is needing to make a “Digital India” online money transfer application is for the most part recognized and used as a part of the country. You don’t ought to be in a line any more, This is valuable to pay each one of our bills inside second. Name it Data card, Dth resuscitate, Electricity, landline/broadband, book transport tickets, postpaid compact, gas charge portions thus on you just need trade out your record or your Paytm record to pay the bill. You can in like manner buy online things using this application.
Before sending money to the bank please confirm that you have money in your Paytm account.
Here we provide the best results to you.
Step 1:
Open the Paytm Application and go to the Home Page and click on the “Passbook” Icon.
Step 2:
Click on the “Send Money To Bank” option and then click on the “Transfer” button.
Step 3:
Enter the amount that you want to transfer to the bank.
Step 4:
Write the Bank account holder’s name in the box provided.
Step 5:
Enter the Account number of the customer.
Step 6:
Enter the “IFSC Code”
(The IFSC Code will be provided by the bank. Please click on here to get your “IFSC code” of your account).
Step 7:
There will be an optional box which will be showing “What is it for ?”.
You can either fill it or leave it.
Step 8:
Click on the “Send money” button.
You will be successfully transferred your money to your bank account.