Just 20 Little Tidying Tasks Professional Organizers Do Every Single Day

“Most of my ‘tidy tasks’ happen through the day and it’s all about putting away what I take out and use as I finish using it. At the very end of the day, I do one final sweep to clear my desk, the sofa, the kitchen counters. My rule: If I take it out, I have to put it back.” ― Regina Lark, professional organizer at A Clear Path

“At night, I corral my remote controls to the center of the family room table, fold and hang the blanket on the back of the chair, and straighten the pillows. The goal for me is to leave a space the way I want it to be when I return. This means not only looking tidy, but more importantly in such a state that it is ready to function. I rarely leave a room without making sure the surfaces are clear and my supplies are tucked away exactly where I have decided they will live.” ― Turner

“I return any activity items ― work related, hobby related, etc ― to their proper zones in the home and/or proper containers each night before bed.” ― Kellie Powell, lead professional organizer and COO of Dexterous Organizing

“Put things away in their designated place when you’re done using them. Make sure that there is easy access to things that are used frequently. Having to pull out multiple things to reach something at the back increases the chances that it won’t all be put away properly or at all.” ― Rogers

Keep shoes in the entryway

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